Cookies policy

On this website third-party and own cookies are used to ensure you have a better browsing experience, you can share content on social networks and so we can obtain user statistics.

You can prevent the download of cookies through the configuration of your browser, preventing cookies from being stored on your device.

We do not use any personal information from cookies, we only make general visits statistics that do not imply any personal information.

It is very important that you read this cookie policy and understand that, if you continue browsing, we will consider that you accept its use.

According to the terms included in article 22.2 of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, if you continue browsing, you will be giving your consent for the use of the aforementioned mechanisms.

Responsible Entity

The entity responsible for the collection, processing and use of your personal data, in the sense established by the Law of Protection of Personal Data is the website

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data stored in text files that are stored on your computer or another device when websites are loaded in a browser. They are widely used to "remember" you and your preferences, either for a single visit (through a "session cookie") or for multiple repeat visits (using a "persistent cookie"). They guarantee a consistent and efficient experience for visitors and perform essential functions, such as allowing users to register and stay connected. Cookies can be set on the site you are visiting (known as "originating cookies") or on other websites. that publish content on that site ('third-party cookies').

Controlling cookies

Visitors may wish to restrict the use of cookies or prevent them from being fully established. Most browsers offer ways to control the behavior of cookies, such as the amount of time they are stored, either through integrated functionality or through the use of third-party add-ons.